My Teaching Philosophy


My teaching philosophy is driven by the belief that knowledge empowers one with the ability to accomplish things in life. When a student enters my classroom they will be entering a place where their learning is the main focus.  From the way the topics are taught to my management style, everything will be done with the students’ best interests in mind.  My goal as an educator is to create a positive learning environment where my students will feel success each and every day.

The teacher serves as an intellectual and moral role model for the students. An educator must help students reach their own conclusions’ by using problem solving techniques and skills. Scaffolding instruction incorporates activities that are just beyond the level of what the learner can do alone. An instructor provides the scaffolds so that the learner can accomplish the tasks. Part of a teacher’s responsibility is to encourage students to be active participants in their own attainment of knowledge.

STUDENTS LEARN BY DOING: Children are more apt to construct knowledge at a deeper level when engaged in hands-on experiences that stimulate the senses. The classroom comes alive with self-discovery when there is ACTIVE learning where both teacher and students are involved.  I plan lessons to arouse curiosity and push the student to a higher level of thinkingas well as demonstrate direct connections between the classroom and everyday life. My students are encouraged to learn by actively participating and to interact with one another. Students and teachers that work together generate feelings of curiosity, confidence, and success.

TEACHERS LEARN THROUGH COLLABORATION: The teaching profession is NOT a solo act.  Collaboration is essential!  In any school, across any district, teamwork is the most important thing. Two heads really are better than one. Thematic planning is a daunting task but as a team educators can provide the interdisciplinary connections necessary for students to be productive citizens in today’s society. Whether it's staff planning together or students learning together, the quality of the experience is significantly enhanced. 

TEACHERS INSTRUCT WITH DIFFERENTIATION:An educator must always consider the diverse interests and learning styles of their students. A teacher must incorporate a variety of activities, projects and manipulatives to meet each learning style. Differentiation allows an instructor to integrate innovative teaching strategies to meet individual student’s needs and scaffold information to support a learner’s development. I design creative and stimulating lesson plans, which accommodate multiple intelligences, bring a hands-on approach to learning, and keep my students interested and focused.

My idea of a master teacher is one, who inspires learning in addition to just relating the required facts.
I want my students to fall in love with learning; to create, question and explore throughout their lifetime.
A large amount of creativity, enthusiasm, and motivation is required of the teacher to meet this expectation. Certainly, this is a tall order for anyone in such a difficult profession as teaching. However, considering that children are our future, the effort is worth it!